Just wanted to share our experience with getting Teradata integration configured and there was a syntax issue with Documentation.
From: https://community.bmc.com/s/question/0 ... n-solution
download.label=Driver download page at teradata.com
download.notes=Download the latest drivers
driver.info=Tera Database Beta driver
driver.name=Teradata DB Driver
translation.database=Database Instance Name
translation.port=Database Connection Port
translation.endpoint=Database IP Address
translation.extra_parameters=Additional JDBC Parameters
Make sure you get the driver version JDBC Driver : Teradata JDBC Driver Sample Programs
and use the argument LOGMECH=LDAP in the extra_parameters as well as the other default settings like ANSI and UTF8.
Following these simple steps will allow you to connect and query the database. We've just spent 4 days trying to get this work and I hope it will save you that research time.
Documentation unfortunately shows a question mark in the driver.url which will not work.
It also missed the setLoginTimeout and port settings, although these were not crucial in making the connection work.
ADDM Teradata DB connection solution
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ADDM Teradata DB connection solution
The Blackholesurfer. My surfboard has teeth.